Friday, November 20, 2009

Animated backgrounds for Myspace!!!?

I want an AWESOME animated background for my profile on Myspace. Problem is.......where the heck are they? I've been to a hell of a lot of those so called "pimp my myspace" websites that promise to have "BIG" selections of cool animated backgrounds for your profile. Yeah...sure....if your into comets and stars and sprinkley, girlie stuff. IM A GUY PEOPLE!!!!!!

I want animated guns and explosions, bloody skulls and fire. You know....guy stuff!!!

Can someone who knows and understands "COOL" and not "LAME" provide me a few links that will take me to some websites that actualy HAVE animated backgrounds like anything like i described above?

Animated backgrounds for Myspace!!!?

if you go to like tiny pic or photobucket and find something that you like that's animated then go to:

its a profile creator..then you can have whatever background you want.

that's how i got my animated background :]

Animated backgrounds for Myspace!!!?

then there is a code that you put in it

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